Sounds from beyond the Shed 141 – Travel broadens the mind …and the record collection

Photo credit: Clark Hodgin

Last week saw me undertaking a tour of the Somme battlefield. It’s always a humbling and often upsetting trip but I get a good deal of satisfaction taking people round these sites and helping them understand the magnitude of the horror and sacrifice that previous generations made for us. I have been doing this for over 30 years and still learn new things every time – if any reader wishes to accompany me on future trips please contact me through the comments section. A good base for the Somme is the wonderful town of Arras which has a brilliant social scene too as the bars spill out onto the Place De Heros and Le Grand Place. Our little group (four of us!) was blessed with great weather and good beer.


I also discovered quite the best record shop I have found outside of the UK (with the possible exception of Ameoba in San Francisco) Big Star Records, and the reason it was so good was the immense enthusiasm of the owner and the quality of the stock which leaned heavily into Americana and Indie. After two minutes of browsing I was accosted and questioned about my choices and then recommended stuff, just how it should be. I cannot recommend the establishment highly enough.

So my listening this week has been mainly things I bought whilst there. The Nude Party for one but also the artist pressed into my hand – cash only sale – ‘which will go directly to the artist!’ so shouted my leonine maned retailer, Laurie Wright, who surfs the Faces and Kinks wave with a power pop vigour and some post-punk vim. Smashing. Two episodes of the radio show this week. You lucky people. Lots of new stuff particularly the new Small Town Jones, Bonny Light Horseman, Jossiene Clarke as well as Wesley Stace, Iron and Wine, Joanna Serrat and many more. As ever take what you want or need.

About Keith Hargreaves 434 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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Ryan Fox

Another super show this week Keith. Highlights for me were And It Stoned Me (great classic rock vibes and super keys/guitar solos) and then the fabulous Easy Street with its vintage singalong British Invasion/Britpop hybrid brilliance.

You’ve given me my next two artists to go discover in more depth – I honestly can’t wait to get stuck into their respective back catalogues 👌🎶

Andrew Taylor

Hi Keith,

What city is Big Star Records in.

All the best,
