What should I do, Americana UK?
Another day, another problem – and as the advice bureau’s postbag was starting to fill up once more we really thought it was time to put aside such fripperies as featured tracks and album reviews and […]
Another day, another problem – and as the advice bureau’s postbag was starting to fill up once more we really thought it was time to put aside such fripperies as featured tracks and album reviews and […]
It was starting to seem that, against all expectations, we’d actually managed to solve all the problems of the world through music. The tumbleweeds were blowing gently past the door to the advice office, and a […]
It seemed that the quiet spell in the advice game was going to be broken at last, until the latest person to enter started to tell his tale. Bruce, for it was he, didn’t exactly have […]
It’s been a slightly longer pause than anticipated since the last attempt to answer all conundrums posed in a song through the words of another song. But here we are, back by the clamour of popular […]
In these new times of austerity an advice column can’t afford to be overly picky – sure we’d like to spend all of our time knitting back together the sinews of a broken heart or wrestling […]
© Americana UK 2025, a website based in the People's Republic of Liverpool