Sounds from beyond the Shed 158 “Retirement my arse….”

I'll sleep when I'm dead

Credit Sophie Boleyn

Since stopping full-time work I’ve been working more hours than I did before. I’m not sure what’s going on really whether it’s something driven by me in order that I don’t get bored or some kind of compulsive workaholicism (if that’s a word at all). The former might be true but to be fair I’ve not actually stopped long enough to consider whether I was bored. And what is stopping? Surely sitting down and reading a book for a couple of hours is not time wasted or misspent? Of course it’s not but on reflection, I do feel guilty when at home if I am doing ‘nothing’ ie reading or daydreaming or listening to music…actually listening to music. On holiday fine. I’ll read a book a day generally. Obviously War and Peace took a couple… So maybe it’s a guilt thing. If so we’ve got to knock that on the head fast although it’s been a year.

The workaholic thing might be more of a concern. A brief inventory of current activities – most of which are unpaid but still require time and effort and not including any caring for ageing parents includes – writing and editing articles for this august body, radio show, news stories for another radio show, driving buses up to 5 days a week, leading trips to Europe exploring WWI and II battlefields, directing plays in a local theatre, part ownership of record shop, writing a sitcom and just this week putting myself up for adverts by making self-tapes whenever the agent sends castings my way.

Either way does it matter? If you don’t know who you are by 60 it’s unlikely any huge Damascine moment is coming your way to change the person you are. It’s possible but unlikely. I think in my case I just can’t say no to anything. Why would I? Surely, shaking the tree of life is what it’s all about and actually being busier but with lots of different things is just as it should be after being chained to one particular wheel for decades.

Soundswise I am loving Ella Spencer’s Jerry Joseph produced track and Jim James is just a genius. The radio show features some lovely stuff, new and old, there’s Eels, Nat Simons, Giant Sand, Margo Price, Wayne Graham and a classic album from Mercury Rev. What’s not to like. As ever…

About Keith Hargreaves 433 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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Darren Lumbroso

I’m not sure how you manage it all Keith! Your excellent radio show seems like a significant thing to put together in itself. I spend most of my time in the office, day dreaming but maybe something useful research ideas come out of this occasionally, but my colleagues would have to be the judge of that…..