Dom Mariani “Jangleland” – for Byrds fans

Photo: Deb Pelser

Dom Mariani’s main job has been as frontman of garage rockers The Stems and Power Pop heroes DM3, and his current main activity is the blues-heavy outfit Datura4.  But on ‘Jangleland’ he returns to his early love of the jingle-jangle rock of bands like The Byrds.  Well, who wouldn’t?  You may pick up a few references as you listen.

Recorded in Perth, Western Australia, ‘Jangleland‘ features a crack band: Joe Grech (Datura4) on bass, drummer Salvatore Cruceta, Peter Busher (The Lone Rangers) on acoustic guitar and backing vocals, and Luke Dux (The Floors and Kill Devil Hills) on pedal steel. This track is the first taste of Mariani’s forthcoming self-titled solo album, showcasing the unique West Australian guitar pop flavour he helped pioneer from the late ’80s onwards.  “I’d written ‘Jangleland’ some time ago and kept revisiting it, playing it at the odd solo show,” Mariani explains. “I’d accumulated enough material over the last decade that didn’t fit with Datura4, and I thought it was time to put them all on one album. I’ve been a Byrds fan my whole life, and I’m still in awe of their sound. I was inspired to bring some of that spirit to this tune.

About Jonathan Aird 2915 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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