Another week over dear reader and while the rest of the world might ponder how a developed nation could get itself into quite such a mess, now might be a good time to just go to sleep for a while. Hence the new song by long time AUK favourite and ex-Broken Family Bander Steven Adams who has a new album on the way with his French Drops called ‘Keep It Light’ which lands on 21st August 2020 via Fika Recordings. It’s a celebration of the daytime snooze, the most upbeat, cheerful song from Adams for years; self-referential in the style of Jonathon Richman, hinting of a Crooked Rain-era Pavement, with a loving embrace of a few ‘classic’ musical tropes chucked in for good measure – oh and a video shot and edited during lockdown, with a roster of nearly 50 friends including some better-known faces if you can spot them. Have a good one and stay safe.