Well that’s it for this week dear reader – amazingly it looks like we might actually get some sunshine for the bank holiday weekend, although as always with our weather don’t put a bet on it (Christ I must be tired, I’m talking about the weather). We leave you anyway this week dear reader with a song by (who else?) Bob Dylan who celebrated his 80th birthday on Monday. Dylan has never performed ‘Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands’ live, a song written originally about his future wife, Sara Lownds, but who can resist the 11 minutes and 22 seconds original recording which took up an entire side of the 1966 vinyl release of ‘Blonde on Blonde’ (which came sixth in our list of the best Americana albums ever recorded last year)? As one critic noted: “Whatever the shortcomings of the lyric, the recording itself, capturing at its absolute peak Dylan’s incomparable capacity for intensity of communication, is a masterpiece if ever there was one”. Have a good one, we’ll see you on Tuesday.
you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows….