Songs for the apocalypse: Fruit Bats “From a Soon to be Ghost Town”

Occasionally, very occasionally, you come across a song where the first time you hear it you know it’s going to be one of those Desert Island Disc tracks which stays with you for the rest of your life. I first heard this song by Chicago’s Fruit Bats only 2 years back in the middle of a very wet field in the Brecon Beacons, and almost wept for joy at the melody and arrangement which had echoes for me of the Jayhawks at their best. As the line goes, “It’s hard to be a queer one in a place with no queer ones, At least none who’d admit that they were.” Which made me think, where has this track been all my life?

About Mark Whitfield 2091 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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