Looking forward to reading for pleasure and stilling the whirling head.
One of the delights of the much criticised but definitely needed summer holidays enjoyed by those in the teaching profession (and in doing this we must ignore the hours and hours of preparation that takes place in the holidays) is the simple joy of reading for pleasure which in turn calms the fevered brain – full of children in crisis, both personal and academic; unmarked exam concerns and general brain fog from the relentless juggling of demands etc etc.
Picking the books that will soundtrack your summer is like picking the soundtrack to a home movie. There must be themes of all hues, emotion and information, personal stories and wildly imaginative tracts. All waiting in their paperback binders, ready, like their reader, to soak up the sun, sand and perhaps mop up some spilled wine. And in diving into these different worlds, be they fictional or factual, the brain is washed and nourished. God I cannot wait. Two weeks of carnage to go, this week Belgium to Ypres on a bus with 70 kids, no spare seats and not a word about masks or social distancing. A report next week… if I make it.
Until then some suitable sun dappled sounds and the choice for me would be Sylvie with their almost transcendent song, I urge investigation of the album via Bandcamp (very Bread/Buffalo Springfield), secondly dip your toes into the mainstream with a bit of Paolo Nutini who it seems to me has been listening to a lot of Wilco listening to his latest album and finally collapse in sunbeams with Jakob Dylan and Regina Spektor‘s take on some classic Neil. As ever take what you want or need!