Americana UK’s top album of 2022 (and our runner-up)

Over the last couple of days we have been counting down our top Americana albums of 2022 and we have now reached the top two – two albums which are both worthy contenders for the title of album of the year, but only one can take the crown. Check back tomorrow when we look at some other great albums which didn’t quite make our top 10.

Runner-up: Bonny Light Horseman “Rolling Golden Holy”
This second album from Bonny Light Horseman at least proves that they were not just a one-off supergroup side project. Of course it’s hardly a secret that Anaïs Mitchell, Josh Kaufman, and Eric D. Johnson have been denying like mad that they are a supergroup – although by any accepted definition of the term that is exactly what they are…. ‘Rolling Golden Holy‘ is an album that has been much anticipated, and the good news is that it does not disappoint. Rather it sets a marker as to what Americana could, and should, sound like.  And whilst it may bring favourite bands to mind it has the good grace to not sound too much like them, rather Bonny Light Horseman have just made it clear as to with whom they should be shelved. As equals. (JA) Another tough assignment from the editor – my album of 2022. How do you sift through this year’s amazing releases? But sift I did and my album of the year is “Rolling Golden Holy” from Bonny Light Horsemen. Jonathan Aird gave it 10/10 on this website and I can’t disagree. (AF)


[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=478386059 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


AUK’s Album of 2022: The Delines “The Sea Drift”

The Delines’ narrative song style was new to me when I heard ‘The Sea Drift’. The words seep into your soul after a while along with the sublime music. It’s been a constant listen throughout the year, and I can’t imagine that stopping anytime soon. (TM)  Willy Vlautin’s incredible writing and Amy Boone’s emotional vocals are the obvious attraction of The Delines, but it’s the sensitive playing by the band which really makes what they do so memorable. It’s the sound of desperation holding on and of misfits not fittting in. (JA)  Amy Boone’s vocal is utterly absorbing and characterful. Willy Vlautin’s lyrics are poetry. Each song, peopled by well-drawn characters, is a captivating narrative, a novel condensed into a few lines that convey so much textured meaning. Musically, the album is an incredibly coherent and atmospheric piece of art, especially absorbing when listened to in its entirety. The word ‘cinematic’ is overused but it perfectly describes the sound, mood and stories in these songs. It’s beautiful stuff and I knew it would be my album of the year from the very first listen. (AF)

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=279178778 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 license_id=2310 tracklist=false artwork=small]


Check back tomorrow when we’ll be looking at those albums which just bubbled under our top 10 list.


About Mark Whitfield 2056 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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