Wilco play 2 full albums at festival

News today from JamBase (where you can find all your jam related news) who report: “Yesterday the fifth installment of Wilco‘s Solid Sound Festival got underway at MASS MoCA in North Adams, Massachusetts. In advance of the festival the Chicago-based band announced that they would use their Friday headlining slot to play one of their albums in its entirety, and would let fans decide which one it would be via an online vote. Going into last night’s show festival attendees knew that they would be seeing a complete performance of that band’s 1996 double-album Being There, but what they didn’t know was that Jeff Tweedy & Co. would also treat them to a second full-album performance of arguably their most beloved LP.

The band’s 19-song run-through of their sophomore album featured longtime fan-favorites like “Misunderstood,” “I Got You (At the End of the Century),” “Forget The Flowers” “Monday” and “Red-Eyed and Blue,” which all continue to regularly pop-up in Wilco setlists. Fans also got to hear full-band treatments of “Sunken Treasure” and “The Lonely 1,” which Jeff Tweedy has traditional performed during solo acoustic shows, as well as deeper cut tracks like “Someone Else’s Song,” “Why Would You Want To Live” and “Hotel Arizona.”

To the delight of the audience the six-piece band than offered up a full performance of their 2001 breakthrough album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. The 11-track release features some of the band’s best-known material like “I Am Trying To Break Your Heart,” “Heavy Metal Drummer,” “I’m The Man That Loves You” and “Jesus, Etc.”

In the meantime if you have 2 hours to spare, here’s their acoustic Solid Sound set from 2015.

About Mark Whitfield 2056 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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