You know the song, of course you do, it was one of the standout songs on the standout debut album by Our Native Daughters. Well, here it has been reimagined by Amythyst Kiah (one of those very Native Daughters) and given a more… kick-ass rock arrangement. This one is not going to have any truck with not being remembered – for the simple reason that it is a great song, and with a message we can really get behind.
Amythyst Kiah passed this comment on the song: “‘Black Myself’ is the first song I’ve written that was confrontational. I’d always made it a point to sing songs that anybody could relate to, but this was something that had been welling up inside me for a long time. The reception of the song so far has given me hope that there are people out there who are ready to confront the shared trauma of racism, to look within ourselves and see how we might be perpetuating racist beliefs, and to do what is needed to create equality for all people.”