Brady Harris “Damsel” – Listen

‘Yours For You’ is the new 6-song record from LA-based artist and longtime friend of AUK Brady Harris which features 5 originals plus a cover of The Stranglers ‘Golden Brown’. The EP is the follow-up record to Brady’s lovely 2019 ‘Keep You Cover’ EP and a continuation of the Harris/McCarthy collaboration which dates back to the 90’s. And being a Liverpool based site, we do like to give you a Beatles connection wherever we can shoehorn one in – in this instance, most of the LA tracking for the EP was done at the former home of longtime Beatles assistant/roadie/bodyguard/handler Mal Evans, which was also where he was tragically gunned down by LAPD in 1976.

‘Damsel’ is a standout track on the record, Beatlesy then but with shades of americana. Brady told us some more about the song: “A guy mistakenly believes a film star is calling for his help to save her from her life of decadence.  And in his mind, he’s convinced that she can save him, too.  Misplaced amour, for sure.  Freaky fandom in LA that doesn’t quite reach the stalker stage, but it might.  Written in about 45 minutes from a song prompt in a songwriters group in Santa Monica from the prompt “Damsel in distress”, where you had to use that exact phrase somewhere in your song.

I got the idea for using the line “18 and older…” from a favorite Benjamin Biolay track “La Chambre d’amis” where he sings “..des films interdit/au moins de dix-huit ans.” (“ films/Eighteen and older.”).

Biolay’s sublime track is here but Brady’s equally sublime song is below.

About Mark Whitfield 2093 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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