A summer sailing song in the company of a stoned captain and a slightly patronising northern mc with the voice of an angel. There can be fewer songs so evocative in conjuring up the sense of long, lazy, summer days and nights. Especially during the recent heat when fantasies concerning water become hourly occurrences, this song seems particularly appropriate. For those that wish to explore this fantasy further, in Crosby’s first autobiography ‘Long Time Gone’ there is a brilliant, and of its time, story concerning an island stop on his boat, some acid, a full eclipse of the sun and an elephant. Crosby, eh?
At one point this was shaping up to be a CSN show, but either (or both) Musician Union rules and Stills’ overindulgences put paid to that. It’s interesting to speculate how the history of the CSNY collective might have changed had the C&N duo format not proved itself with this broadcast.
At the time early 70s they could do no wrong, all the albums from 1972 were superb especially Stills with the magnificent Manassas, within 5 years it had all gone, apart from Uncle Neil who had a trunk full of great songs until the 80s.