“Forgotten Artists” becomes ‘Whatever Happened To….’

Our popular Forgotten Artists series isn’t going away, but it is going for a bit of a refresh. We’ve grown increasingly uncomfortable with the series title as some readers have expressed surprise that favoured artists are labelled as ‘Forgotten’ and the occasional artist responds to our article with a statement that they’re not only still very much alive and kicking but also actively performing and recording. It was never our intention to suggest that the bands and individuals we’ve featured in the series were genuinely forgotten; the series’ main focus has always been on reminding our readers about bands that may have slipped a little below their radar, particularly in the UK and particularly over the last year, when many musicians that only visit occasionally haven’t been able to visit at all. That said, we can understand that some could feel that being labelled as “Forgotten” doesn’t do them any favours, so we’re changing the title.

After much consideration, we’ve decided the series will now be called “Whatever Happened To…..”

This is a question we do get asked from time to time and we think it is a better way of encapsulating what we’re trying to do with the series. We want to remind readers about great bands and musicians who, for one reason or another, aren’t as noticeable as they once were. We also think this will give us a chance to delve a little deeper into the lives of those artists who, while they might not be as musically active as they were, have perhaps taken their talents in other directions.

We’re going to take a short break this week to get our aquatic birds queued appropriately and then we’ll be back – but if you do ever find yourself wondering whatever happened to an artist you used to enjoy but haven’t heard lately, why not ask us and we’ll do our best to find out for you.


About Rick Bayles 357 Articles
A Brexit Britain escapee who now lives in SW France. Wine, cheese and good music are my 'raisons d'être'.
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Alan Peatfield

So …. how about Scottish girl group “His Latest Flame” I have their wonderful album “In the Neighbourhood” from circa ’89 but don’t know what happened to them after that. Any help?? Thanks