Has Iris Dement ever sounded better? This is a fantastic song from her new album ‘Workin’ On A World‘ which is released on the 24th of this month. Written with Pieta Brown, ‘The Sacred Now’ draws on observing the fractured societal situation with an optimistic eye that things can better. Says Iris DeMent “Every day in 2020, some new trauma was being added to the old ones that kept repeating themselves, and like everybody else, I was just trying to bear up under it all. Songs, ever since I was a child, have been lending me a hand. Writing songs, singing songs, putting them on records, has been a way for me to extend that hand to others. One day, in the middle of the mayhem, I got the idea to send a melody and a title for a song I’d been working on to my friend, and fellow songwriter, Pieta Brown. Within a few hours, she’d sent me a handful of verses she’d come up with; I sent her a handful back. We looked over all our verses and noticed that two of hers and two of mine went good together. Abracadabra! ‘The Sacred Now‘”