Marek Kubala “Tableturn” – Listen

Marek Kubala has spent time playing his music around the North of England, but has now relocated to London.  With the move  South comes the debut EP  ‘Awhile‘ which is released this Friday.  The lead single it ‘Tableturn‘ which combines Kubala’s keening vocal with delicate finger picked guitar and Nick Drake-esque lush strings.  There’s a tale of unfairness with advantage being taken in this song, which pivots around an opportunity to deny the pain and reassert emotional control.  Deep moods wrapped up in gossamer threads.

About Jonathan Aird 2947 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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