Brooklyn singer songwriter Paul Tabachneck has been writing in his own words “relationshippy” music for a while now, but world events have turned his head to another subject. He told us: “One reason I always gave short shrift to political songs is that I always found them to have an incredibly short shelf-life — if I wrote a song one day about how Bill Clinton was being raked through the mud, it would turn out the next day that the blow-job stuff was true. If I wrote about how it was time to move on from Bush to Kerry, Kerry would lose and the song would expire. This is the first political song I’ve written whose lines keep gaining relevance as the term serves out – he keeps making the same missteps, the same ways, on larger and larger scales – so I decided to put this one out on orange vinyl, sell it at a premium, and give the profits to the ACLU.” You can pre-order the vinyl here today if you’re feeling flush.