Songs for the apocalypse: Sam Outlaw “Who Do You Think You Are?”

Life is unfair in lots of different ways. Narcissists can reach the highest level of power including apparently the leader of the “free” world. The people most responsible for global warming are the least likely to suffer the consequences. Nigel Farage is having a comeback. The current series of Line of Duty has only 2 more episodes to go. To add to that list of gripes, South Dakota born Sam Outlaw’s brand of “SoCal” is known still by far too few people, and this, the opening track from his debut album, is as fine a piece of music as you’ll hear this decade, the mariachi horns making it far less parochial than so much middle of the road americana. Oh the injustice of it all!

About Mark Whitfield 2050 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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