It’s festival time again! Hurrah, hooray. I’m afraid I’m a sucker for a small gathering somewhere rural where folks can come together and listen to good music and talk nonsense for hours on end whilst fuelled by gallons of not cheap grog. What’s not to like? This weekend it’s Red Rooster, the perfect little festival nestled in the bosom of Euston Park wherein Capability Brown’s forethought has created a paradise for the casual music lover. I will be bathing in the swimming lake, admiring people’s various pooches as they wander the site, sampling some exquisite food and as mentioned talking nonsense for hours on end. Three years ago it just rained but this was not a disaster as I was with a group of strangers holed up under some tin roofing for 12 hours and who since then have become firm friends and festival buddies. I now look forward to seeing them as much as I look forward to the event itself. Do yourself a favour, find a festival and dive into the experience. Future recommendations include Black Deer, The Long Road and End of the (again) Road but there are many more.
So the listening this week has been people appearing at Red Rooster particularly those on the Loose label Brown Horse and The Hanging Stars I know I bang on about this label and their acts but quality will out! The radio show marks a year of broadcasting and is the usual smorgasbord of new and old featuring My Girl The River, Small Town Jones, Gene Clark, Joni Mitchell x 3 plus many more. As ever, take what you want or need. See you in the swimming lake…