Steady as she goes…
Things are improving at school despite a feeling that a stable door has been shut after the horse has not only exited the building but has taken up residence in an EU country to avoid being pressed into service carrying goods up and down the horrendously unsafe smart motorway system. There is now a policy in force ‘requesting’ students to wear masks in crowded places as well a move to make most extra curricular meetings online. To be fair to the kids they genuinely seem to be getting it – that their actions can have dire consequences and they appear to be adopting a slightly more thoughtful way of going about things. The year 5s and 6s still seem oblivious however but hey if we can’t be oblivious under the age of 11 when can we be?
My recovery seems almost done and today I had my first swim and the kilometre seemed very long indeed and my lungs protested for a good while afterwards. In fact my first lesson was taught with a voice that sounded like Bob Dylan doing a Willie Nelson impression although by period 2 it had just morphed into late Leonard Cohen.
In other news, as a holder of a class 1 PCV licence I was offered a job this week that would have included a conversion course to HGV 1, a golden hello of £5K and twice as much money as teaching per year. Something to think about the next time a child coughs in my face or vandalises his day room!
This week’s sounds were going to feature the new Felice Brothers but they have already featured on the site recently so whilst highly recommending I shall steer clear. So we shall now open up with a barnstormer from the wonderfully obscure but equally enthralling Rustlanders, followed by the less obscure but still not as well known as he should be Matt Deighton with a Bill Fay cover and finish with a Tom Waits classic
Deeply obscure
Less so…
A classic