Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 64

Good to be back .....really

And we’re back in room…

Warren of Rotten records photoSo there it is gone but not forgotten, just. The summer holidays are rightly cherished by all those in the teaching profession. By the end of the academic year tempers are frayed, nerves frazzled, families ignored and perspectives skewed. It always goes the same way. Two weeks decompress and start to sleep properly. Two weeks of joyous living in the moment. Then results days and preparation for the next year. One last week of what the hell, I don’t care mad abandon and boom you’re back… as if you’d never been away. You start running to keep up two days before term proper whilst balancing an enormous tray of needs, demands, information and trepidation concerning new pupils and I’ve been doing this for a long time, fuck knows how new teachers cope.

Pay talks are looming and that will be another log on the fire of standards as schools try to award an unfunded pay rise as well as deal with heating and lighting costs. Feels like 1973 and I only remember cos it was dark a lot of the time.

One shining bright spot as the term starts is that a wild, reckless adventurer has taken this exact moment to open a record shop in Wellingborough – my nearest conurbation! What a hero and what a mad fool, gawd bless ya Warren. So this weeks sounds are tracks from my first three vinyl purchases from the really very good Rotten Records.

First up the bottled joy that is Bonny Light Horseman – I saw both Anais Mitchell and Eric ‘Fruit Bat’ Johnson separately this summer and both were wonderful. Secondly a glorious take on a standard from an album of ‘wartime funky club hits’ this one by Funkgus, and finally the genius of Paddy MacAloon and Prefab Sprout (long one this, just close your eyes and drift away). As ever take what you want or need. Good to be back!

About Keith Hargreaves 466 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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