Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 68

Who said Noddy????

Photo: D. James Goodwin

A time for reflection

Keith's new car

Every year we have a couple of Saturday Open Mornings to drum up business and grab the next generation as it leaves primary or thinks about sixth form or just wants to switch schools. Traditionally this is a very long morning with a great deal of chat concerning key aspects of the school in your area. Lots of coffee and a belatedly supplied bacon roll fuel this marathon as the revolving door of parents come into your area and leave hopefully much the wiser. I usually start the morning a little slapdash but by midday I have a 5-minute spiel of pure gold that sells the school better than a head lemming advising that the next cliff has really got to be enjoyed whilst plummeting down the face of it. And so it was, towards the end of the session, that I began to reflect on how much we do for the students and, tellingly, how invested I was in that process. I found myself talking with real pride about things students had achieved under my care and direction. It’s not something I do often but maybe I should do it more, as should everyone, caring about the place or at least the people where we spend most of our waking hours must be a positive thing, even if there is some shit to deal with too! It made me feel good, well for a couple of hours, until we were thrashed in the local school derby!

Oh and just bought a new car! One of the first in country! More on this later….

This week the new release for Bonny Light Horseman is getting a right royal playing at the mo, as is Eaves for some reason (it’s bloody good!) and finally a wonderful track from the posthumous Pops Staples album. As ever take what you want or need.




About Keith Hargreaves 482 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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