Half term is here!
Phew it’s here already thank f**k. The seven weeks have charged past, and the creeping levels of exhaustion now have a chance to manifest themselves, be dealt with and the body prepare for the next six. In the final week alone, we had a live TV broadcast as Pudsey Bear wandered about the site, wrote reports for 9-year groups and I had my arm drained following an operation (see pic – not for the squeamish!)
The other thing that happened to your correspondent was a flying visit to AUK central in Liverpool for the writers’ AGM. A lovely time was had and sleeping on the street in my van proved to be both peaceful and uninterrupted despite Everton’s loss that afternoon. All that and meeting an ex-student in a city centre restaurant. I was very pleased that he chose to come up and shake my hand rather than throw food at me. A great weekend with good people who spend a great deal of time bringing readers quality items from around the globe.
This week I have mainly been listening to a very mellow Small Town Jones, Nick Panken and Red House Painters. As always… See you in a couple of weeks