The sun rises on a week without teaching and with several expected hangovers
On the Friday evening the first bottle of wine barely touched the sides and music was played loudly into the early hours. The wreckage was surveyed the following day by the dog with a disdainful look. She was perturbed that her bed that sits in the corner of my garden classroom had been used as both a seat as the evening had progressed and eventually as a pillow.
The snows have gone again and there is a definite hint of Spring and perhaps optimism albeit very measured. This week will be a chance to plan all the lessons for the second half of term. This will need to be a two-fold piece of work – some for remote and some for the possibility of a return to school. I know the kids need to go back, not specifically for their academic progress, but more for their state of minds. I am dealing with far too many unhappy students who just want to see their friends and shoot the breeze. Don’t we all! In a minute we will have some students that have spent half their A levels at home, not ideal.
Let’s hope that the clowns in Whitehall get this right this time. I intend to hold them to account when the time comes but until then I must devise a way to direct three Shakespeare plays with 70 Year 6s from a 6ft x 8 ft space for at least three weeks more. I’ll keep you posted…
The tracks this week all featured on the playlist of Friday night as a week without staring at a screen finally arrived. The first the joyous and effervescent Lambchop, secondly a wonderful take on Kentucky Avenue by Tom Waits (the video quality is grim but the song… ) and lastly a trouser shaking piece of proper rock n roll from the much-missed Tom Petty. As ever take from them what you need.
Not so Bad
Not at all Ugly
Lovely stuff, as ever, Keith. Both reflections and choice of tracks.
Glad you are enjoying Fiona a few weeks to go yet I fear..
Thanks for a reminder of these 3 songs Keith and for the thoughtful/amusing blog (as ever). It would be great if this government showed some appreciation for the amazing job teachers have done over the last 12 months. (Again, as ever!)
My pleasure JerrG and yes it would but I’m not holding my breath and to be fair there are others far more deserving not getting any recognition either….as ever!