Something for the weekend: Waxahatchee “Mud”
Well that’s it from us for this week dear reader. It’s been a miserable week to be a website associated with the USA – this website of course like Woody Guthrie’s guitar kills fascists but killing […]
Well that’s it from us for this week dear reader. It’s been a miserable week to be a website associated with the USA – this website of course like Woody Guthrie’s guitar kills fascists but killing […]
So we have reached the end of another year here at AUK and the bombardment of new music has once again been relentless – we’ve been sent so much that it’s often difficult to keep up […]
As I often remark these days, or these years, where once my musical life was all about albums, I along with apparently everyone under the age of 65 now have the attention span of a goldfish […]
Thanks for reading and another brilliant year of music. I’ve been writing for this site for a while now, as evidenced by Paul Kerr’s brilliant AUK Back Pages series, which I highly recommend as some holiday […]
I’ve been lucky enough to have been to a few gigs recently and, indeed, promoted a couple myself. I’m always intrigued by the music playing in a venue before the acts come on. Is this the […]
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