Sounds from beyond the Shed 143 “Grrrrrrr”
Every week I put together the playlist for the radio show it is a deliberate mix of brand new stuff (to demonstrate how of the moment I am), obscure stuff (to demonstrate how gnomic and out […]
Every week I put together the playlist for the radio show it is a deliberate mix of brand new stuff (to demonstrate how of the moment I am), obscure stuff (to demonstrate how gnomic and out […]
It’s done, the articles have been written, the numbers crunched and AUK writers are slowly regaining their sanity. Twenty-four of our finest offered their assessment and came up with over 120 different artists. Points were awarded […]
Temper those expectations. I may have mentioned this before and if I have forgive me. Three weeks ago i went into hospital to have a a knee arthroscopy and bone debriding. Yep, I know it sounds […]
The world interrupts. Writing this column and creating a radio show is, in many ways, an idyllic way to spend one’s spare time but one should not fail to acknowledge the horrors that are being visited […]
Posh seats and a boring gig. Spent a brilliant couple of days in old London town this last week. Ostensibly to catch up with friends, have a few drinks, meet up with an ex-pupil for a […]
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