From her new album Lightshadow, out on October 26th, this is the new single from Norwegian singer-songwriter Anne Marie Almedal and it’s rather lovely. Great video too.
From her new album Lightshadow, out on October 26th, this is the new single from Norwegian singer-songwriter Anne Marie Almedal and it’s rather lovely. Great video too.
© Americana UK 2023, a website based in the People's Republic of Liverpool
[…] Anne Marie Almedal last week released her new album, Lightshadow. Known for her work on Soundtracks in her homeland of Scandinavia, Almedal is known for her prowess with melodies and this record certainly proves it as she develops stunning melodies and incredible writing. Give a listen to ‘You Keep Me At Arm’s Length’ over at Americana UK here. […]