Keeping the music eclecticism of the ’70s alive in the 21st Century.
You may not have heard of singer-songwriter, guitarist and keyboard player Alex Jordan who has just released his second solo album ‘Queen Kerosene’, though his debut was lost in the chaos of the pandemic, but Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Graham Lesh, Peter Rowan, and Los Lobos’s Steve Berlin are much more familiar with him. Alex Jordan has played in and around the Bay Area of California for his whole career, including joining Graham Lesh in Midnight North. Americana UK’s Martin Johnson caught up with Jordan over Zoom at home in San Carlos, California, to discuss why ‘Queen Kerosene’ is his first real solo album and the serendipity that led to Steve Berlin producing the album in Austin. The album is a potpourri of country, americana, tex-mex, soul, blues and classic rock, and as Jordan explains just because classic music of the ‘70s was recorded a long time ago, it doesn’t mean there is an audience for a contemporary take on those sounds. Alex Jordan explains it was playing at Phil Lesh’s Terrapin Crossroads with Graham Lesh that led to him sharing the stage with Phil Lesh, Bob Weir, and Peter Rowan which in turn led to him playing at Levon Helm’s Barn.
Alex Jordan’s ‘Queen Kerosene’ is out now and is an independent release.