Sounds from beyond the Shed 144 “The Big Six O”

Not really been that bothered by the accumulation of years. Although it is becoming clearer that the excesses of youth (and beyond) have clearly taken a toll of some sort as every movement is now preceded by a momentary check that everything is going to work as planned and then the involuntary groan as relief washes over me that indeed everything has worked. Muscles wise I’m still finding alcohol the best WD40 for aches and pains as they soon dissipate under the cosh of a couple of beers. Don’t try this at home kids!

So a big bash this weekend and not so much writing this week although I must congratulate my wife’s choir for reaching the finals of Britain’s Got Talent. The voting seemed very odd to me but that’s not the point for the choir they just loved sharing their joy and although an exhausting thing one they will remember for a long time for all the right reasons.

So the sounds this week, the week wherein the new Bonny Light Horseman album arrives as well as the new Eels. No choice really than to play these two tracks that seem to be reflections on age and ageing. Beautiful. The radio show is also a thing of beauty. Enjoy. As ever take what you want or need.

About Keith Hargreaves 434 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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David Wedge

Hi Keith,
Here’s wishing you a fantastic weekend of big bash birthday celebrations. Been there, done that, in fact as someone who’s recently notched up the ‘big seven one’ everything you say about aches, pains, and groans entirely resonates with me. Praise the Lord for the combined healing power of beer and music eh!
What a terrific band Bonny Light Horseman are – I’m particularly looking forward to hearing them play songs from their new album live in November. Cheers, David

keith hargreaves

Thanks David. Very much appreciated.
Yes that Bonny Light Horseman track is extraordinary