Dirty Dozen: Chloe Foy

Chloe Foy has previously been likened to such artists as Julien Baker, Laura Marling and Sharon Van Etten. Her songs are imbued with lyrical and textural inflexions evocative of much of the music she loves – taking inspiration as much from neo-classical music as much as wider trends within indie-rock, Chloe’s new EP comprises carefully constructed arrangements that delicately compliment her cryptic lyrics.

Can you tell us about yourself? Where you’re from and what you’ve been up to over the past few years?
Hello, I’m Chloe. I grew up in rural Gloucestershire but now like to spend my time in Manchester after coming to university here. The people are friendly and it’s got a lot going for it so I thought I’d stick around. At university I was studying classical music whilst also gigging my own music here and there. Since then, I’ve slowly been finding my feet in the ‘popular’ music world, and have been writing and recording my new EP.

How would you describe your music?
That old chestnut. It’s a hard one. Alternative/folk/pop/singer-songwriter

Can you tell us a little bit about your influences?
I just like good songs, good tunes, good lyrics. I grew up listening to Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, Tracy Chapman and Tom Petty to name a few. The blues also played a big part. A part of me has always wanted to be in a rock band. Nowadays, I can’t go for long without declaring my love for Laura Marling, but am also a big fan of bands like Bombay Bicycle Club, as well as “world” musicians such as Toumani Diabate.

What are you currently promoting?
My forthcoming EP, ‘Are We There Yet?’ which will be released on Friday 12th May and my EP launch will be at the Eagle Inn in Manchester on Saturday 13th May https://www.seetickets.com/event/chloe-foy/the-eagle-inn/1079125

Have you got a particular song you’ve done that you’re particularly proud of, one that might define you?
My favourite song from the EP is a song called Flaws. I over indulged on strings and vocal harmonies, but it’s what I love. I’m proud of it because it feels like I have ownership of the overall vibe and sound we created. It was the first time I went into the studio and said ‘This is how I want it to be.’

What are you currently listening to?
Memories Are Now, the new album from Jesca Hoop, and Semper Femina by Laura Marling. Interestingly both were produced by Blake Mills. Both are very different but both are so good.

And your favourite album of all time, the one you couldn’t do without?
The impossible question. I can’t pick one, but I do have many memories tied up with Revolver by The Beatles.

What are your hopes for your future career?
To make music as a career for as long as possible. Right now I’m just focusing on releasing the EP and then we’ll see what comes next.

If money were no object what would be your dream project?
Funding myself and all my musical friends to do a world tour in amazing venues, collaborating with other amazing artists and musicians along the way.

What’s the best thing about being a musician?
The feeling you get when you’ve just played a great gig! Singing live to a silent, attentive room is magic.

And the worst?
Perhaps when the amount you are paid is disproportionate to the amount you play…

Finally, have you anything you’d like to say to the readers of Americana UK?
I hope you enjoy the new EP and hope to see you at a show one day soon!

About Rudie Hayes 150 Articles
Rudie is the weekly host of the syndicated radio show - The Horseshoe Lounge Music Session - playing the best American Roots and hosting terrific live guests.
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