A peaceful Christmas to all our readers from Americana UK

Well that’s it for us for another year dear reader. It almost feels trite now to comment on the bizarre/awfulness of 2020 but hopefully we’ll look back on this in another 12 months time and think “Crikey that was bad but at least we overthrew capitalism!” Thanks for all your support over the past year – from reading our content to signing up as a supporter in aid of Help Musicians UK to sending us your material as an artist – most of us still struggle on with dayjobs and do this in our spare time so your support has been so important in the absence of human contact. We do very much feel like a community and if you’re reading this now, you’re a part of that. We’ll be back after our break on January 4th all being well. But in the meantime, from all of the team here, wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas and all the best for 2021 – there’s reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last. Mark Whitfield, Editor, Americana UK.

About Mark Whitfield 2091 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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And the same to you, dear Mark! Thanks to you, all the writers and everyone who in some way contributes to this wonderful community. Overthrow of capitalism… it’s imminent! 😂


Here’s to hoping the capitalism remark was in jest. You can’t be that stupid.