This beautiful song alludes gently to rising moons and rising Spring tides – and how these cycles may be becoming broken. It focuses on the lack of power to control forces that are generated in part by the gravitational pull of our near neighbour, and are becoming more uncontrollable as seas rise with the seemingly unstoppable melting of the ice caps – even if we should reverse man-made climatic changes and associated temperature rises the ice won’t magically reform in a year or two. Powerless in the face of natural forces – and that’s how Andrea von Kampen felt when she wrote this song: “I wrote ‘Sister Moon’ after talking to locals at Newport Folk Festival a few years ago. The festival that year had an eerie feeling as we all social distanced and tried to make the best of it, but it felt like every move we made could have a lasting negative impact. I was reminded how little control we have over outcomes and how little control these people have over sea level rising in the coming years, and I wrote this song when I got home.”
‘‘Sister Moon’ is the title track of Andrea von Kampen’s new album, her third solo release, which will be out on March 15th.