We are and remain an americana site but realise that for many of our readers big hat/bro/mo country music is also a thing so it’ll be a disappointment to many that the UK’s biggest country music festival C2C is being postponed due to concerns around coronavirus. The organisers put out a statement on the official website which read: “Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19 and the changing nature of travel policies in other countries alongside possible extended future restrictions, it is with regret that Country to Country Festival 2020 – London, Dublin and Glasgow – is being postponed. Ticket holders are advised to hold onto their tickets. More information will be announced in the coming days on the rescheduled event. Thank you all for your understanding and patience at this very difficult time. C2C and its organizers apologize wholeheartedly for the time to work through the issues to get this statement out.”
The postponement looked increasingly likely in recent days as artists scheduled to play including Old Dominion pulled out of it because of travel concerns, and of course in the US itself SXSW among other festivals to be cancelled outright.
If you had tickets and now are at a loose end this weekend why not crack open a low-ABV beer and enjoy a full live performance from would be C2C performer Eric Church from Nashville last year.