Cassandra Violet “Superbloom” – Listen

I meditate every day, I hope that this feeling can go away” sings Cassandra Violet over a backing that can only be described as quirky, before wistfully adding ” back to when I was in High School and everything was so wonderful.  Just Kidding” For this is that kind of song – where lyrics drop deadpan and guitar solos can swirl up unbidden and head for a cosmic high…just over there.

It’s the kind of sound that you might imagine would originate from an LA native – and that is exactly who Cassandra Violet is.  ‘Superbloom’ contrasts the annual eruption of a spectacular fiery orange as poppies bloom on Californian hills – it drags out thousands to see it – to the quick flash attention of a social media event.  It’s there and then it’s gone and did it really happen if no-one uploaded a photo’?

Photo : Morgan Demeter

About Jonathan Aird 2924 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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