A harsh bright light shone into America’s darkest corners.
‘Reclamation’ has the potential to become an exceptionally powerful album coming as it has in the current political environment. Matthews identifies as a black, butch lesbian who has so much anger but hope and desire raging deep within her.
This album has enabled her to highlight the many pressing issues facing many Americans who live outside the perceived norms. “No more squeezing and contorting into boxes we don’t fit” she states in ‘Cancel Culture’. The song covers so many of the current injustices including gun culture and education: “A whole lot of culture I’d cancel if I could. Teachers should be able to teach and not worry about their pay or if they’ll have an active killer they’ll have to keep at bay”. Abortion rights are covered in “Instead of banning abortions we should let women decide”, and several other issues too including corporate greed, and how their history is taught.
The hypocrisy of many American churches comes under the spotlight in ‘Like Jesus Would’. “Someone said if Jesus came back now half the Christians in this country would try and crucify him somehow … take one look at his brown skin”. The God she chooses to worship knows ‘Black Lives Matter’. On that racial issue ‘My Skin’ is enormously powerful, again beautifully written and observed leaving the listener in no doubt about the worries that are faced by the Black community. “A stranger would give up freedom if it meant ending your life”
The lyrics of every song are deeply intense. It would be so easy to fill this review with just quoted lines. They have the echoes and sharp observations of Woody Guthrie, probably the highest praise to give, in both the observing and crying out against inequality in all its forms. Other subjects covered include domestic violence (she lost two family members to abusive partners), Trans and Gay issues (“I might look good in a dress, but I feel better in a suit and tie”), the difficulties of long-distance love and living up to a partner’s expectations.
There is a lovely recording of her mother explaining how dealing with life’s suffering is very similar to doing a jigsaw puzzle. This prompted the track ‘The Bigger Picture’. Special mention should be made for the track ‘The Good Stuff’ which features a duet with her partner Heather Mae. It’s a beautiful love song that will resonate with so many.
Musically the album has pinches of funk (particularly in the opening track ‘The Difference Between’ ), soul, blues, and country music. It has definite traces of Tracey Chapman’s DNA running through it. Is it Americana? Most definitely yes, it is. ‘Reclamation’ performs particularly well on many different levels – Musically, lyrically, and politically. If Crys Matthews can get the exposure she richly deserves, her guitar may well kill fascists.