Danny Schmidt wrote and recorded this song on July 3rd, and sent it out into the world on the 4th because he “wanted it to go out into the world on Independence Day, in the footsteps of Frederick Douglass’ approach to celebrating the birth of this country . . . naming its ideals and principles and then evaluating where we still have much work to do to complete the construction“
It’s a song that needs no explanation, from the first lines the topic is clear “he was black and they were blue / the colours of a bruise.” A political song speaking to our times and doing it directly. As Danny Schmidt says “If there’s been one central theme to all the protests it’s been that we will no longer accept the current state of affairs, and that we have the emotional and political will to push our country forward again towards our ideals. Let’s hope the next two steps forward are huge leaps. And let’s vote out our big slide backwards in November.”