“Daylight” – the pandemic delayed second of three from Jim Keller finally sees… ahem… the light of day…

US singer-songwriter Jim Keller is set to release new album “Daylight” (Continental Song City Records) on May 31st, the second in a trilogy with celebrated producer Mitchell Froom and renowned musicians David Hidalgo, Bob Glaub and Michael Urbano. The project came about when Jim Keller and Mitchell Froom met up in LA and decided to work on some music together. They spent a few months sending songs back and forth — and Keller made two or three trips west from Brooklyn — before settling on a project idea. They’d record three albums, with the same band, same narrative character, and in the same sonic landscape. They agreed they needed David Hidalgo and Bob Glaub in the band, with Mitchell handling keyboards and Keller on acoustic guitar. With them in place, Mitchell brought in drummer Michael Urbano from San Francisco. The album trilogy, dubbed “Tres Caminos”, began with the recording of first album “By No Means” in Michell’s home studio. With David Boucher co-producing they recorded 10 tracks in five days, all live, very simple. One pandemic later it was time to get the band back together for the second album in the trilogy. The same crew met up in January 2023 and recorded “Daylight”. This time they met at Valentine Studio in the Valley, an ancient studio built in the early 60’s with a vibe (and gear) unchanged since then. Again, they played live, five days, and this time recorded 12 tracks. The third and final album of the trilogy will come out in 2025.

Keller, as part of San Francisco group Tommy Tutone, co-wrote and performed “867-5309” (“Jenny Jenny”), the classic power pop tune. After migrating to New York, he jumped the fence, running Philip Glass’s publishing company and taking over management of Glass’s career as director of Dunvagen Music. In 2005, he returned to recording and performing and with a voice aged by time, whiskey and promises.  A cult figure in the music business, Keller’s gigs at New York’s Rockwood Music Hall and Nashville’s The 5 Spot are legendary. If the best players in town aren’t on stage with him, they’re in the audience, singing along, playing along, making the sort of noise that would get you locked up in a lesser town. The 2021 release “By No Means” produced by Mitchell Froom (Los Lobos, Crowded House, Randy Newman) and backed by Los Lobos’ David Hidalgo on guitar, introduced Keller to European media and fans.

“Daylight” track listing:

Trouble High, Trouble Low
She’s The One
Pebble In My Shoe ***
I Like It Like That *
Mighty Love **
I Can’t Stand A Day Without You
Closer To Nowhere
Oh Yeah **
Bungalow Road
If You Love Me

The single ‘She’s the One’ (not a Petty cover) is available to watch below.

About Keith Hargreaves 501 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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