Self-aware cathartic storytelling at its finest.
A proud member of the Misipawistik Cree Nation, Jade Turner was raised in Northern Manitoba, Canada, with an upbringing rooted in the art of storytelling. ‘Breath’ is her third album, and it sees her being far more philosophical about her life. It is very much a ‘heart on your sleeve’ offering, which makes it such an absorbing listen. If you are looking for musical signposts, look no further than Sheryl Crow. The title track is pure Crow at her best. It is such a nicely constructed song. Her voice has that immaculate, open quality, making the diction and the storytelling so accessible. The album shifts very easily from what we would recognise as Americana to out-and-out Country. Each track has a very distinctive feel about it.
She does not shy away from difficult topics, which include bullying, addiction, self-discovery, and anxiety. Subjects she is happy to lay bare in front of the listener sometimes quite brutally. Despite the seriousness of the subject matter, it is very upbeat musically. She admits,” The album is a therapy session for me. I don’t normally talk about my vulnerabilities, but this is my way of talking about it- by singing it.”
‘Stay Wild Child’ is a song about giving her younger self some advice. It’s a slow country lament full of sadness but also world-weary wisdom:” If I can go back to the good times, We said I would slow it down and take it all in , stay wild child , oh wild child . Don’t listen when they try to fence you in.” Perhaps the track that sums up her journey is the final track, ‘Deadweight’. It exquisitely documents her attitude to the world today from being bullied at school: “ Out in the school yard I got it real hard, Yeah it cut me to the core… They can hate if they wanna hate, But I ain’t gonna break. Cuz that’s just Deadweight “.
Turner has been ferociously honest on this album, and some of the tracks may be a difficult listen, but the sheer musicality makes it a joy to listen to. She may not be a name many are familiar with, but hopefully, this album may change that. Well worth a close inspection.