Westley Horner is song-writer from London who’s love of Americana shines through in his impressive debut album “Silent Temper”. Despite having a London outlook, his songs are recorded with Crescent City musicians in New Orleans to create an authentic yet individual feel to his music. Westley’s talent is clear and his enthusiasm is infectious. A big future beckons
Can you tell us about yourself? Where you’re from and what you’ve been up to over the past few years?
I grew up in the suburbs of West London. The past few years I have spent travelling to New Orleans, Louisiana where I have been seeking out musicians, writing and recording my debut album ‘Silent Temper’.
How would you describe your music?
Americana, Folk, Alt country, Rock… The song comes first.
Can you tell us a little bit about your influences?
I grew up listening to my Dad’s record collection and quickly fell in love with Dylan, Neil Young and lots of Delta Blues. Later on – Lucinda Williams, Ryan Adams, Jason Isbell, Lyle Lovett, Johnny Cash
What are you currently promoting?
I’m currently promoting my debut album ‘Silent Temper’
Have you got a particular song you’ve done that you’re particularly proud of, one that might define you?
I wouldn’t say it would define me but ‘God Is In The Room’ is a track that I’m really proud of. The lyrics instantly transport you to a certain time and place and it’s got bags of soul.
What are you currently listening to?
Street Legal – Bob Dylan
And your favourite album of all time, the one you couldn’t do without?
Lucinda Williams – West
What are your hopes for your future career?
To connect with as many people as possible by touring, have my songs used for TV and Film, work with the best producers/musicians in the genre and be a successful artist.
If money were no object what would be your dream project?
I’d love to work with Daniel Lanois.
What’s the best thing about being a musician?
Being able to express yourself in such a rich way.
And the worst?
Having to balance the rest of your life. You’re never off duty when you have a song in your heart and a guitar close by.
Finally, have you anything you’d like to say to the readers of Americana UK?
Please enjoy my music and tell all your friends!