Clare Doyle “Maybelline” – hop into the car

Photo: Connor Johnson

Clare Doyle has had quite an accelerated last couple of years – 2023 saw her named as First Avenue’s Best New Bands of 2023, followed with a nod as an Emerging Artist of 2024 by Music in Minnesota.  Clare released her three debut singles which garnered attention for their infectious blend of soulful country and rootsy rock.  Clare Doyle had settled in New Orleans until the pandemic forced a move back to her hometown of Minneapolis, where she began to write and rediscover the musical identity she’d neglected for years. Armed with a decade of heartache, adventure, addiction, and life on the road, she began to alchemize raw emotions into a collection of songs that run the gamut from clever and rollicking, to gritty and gut-wrenching.

Whilst not a cover song there is, says Clare Doyle, at least one point of similarity: the connection to cars.  As she explained to Americana UK: “The song is a modern-day Midnight Rider – a portrait of a woman on the run. It’s about being on the road and burning bridges along the way. It was inspired by a drive I used to take along I-10 through Louisiana, TX, and New Mexico on the way to AZ, and by an old habit I developed being on the road, where you’re only in any one place for a short time and it’s easy to get wild, make a mess and skip town.”

About Jonathan Aird 2950 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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