Randomness – it can be a great thing. To hit town and find a favourite artist is playing that night, to stoop down and pick up a £50 note blowing along an empty street, to… well you get the idea. Randomness can also be awful, but since this is midweek and we’re equidistant from a weekend then we need cheering up so let’s forget about downers.
Some random things are only partly random. Take Songkick suggestions. You make a list of people you’d like to see, it might run to several hundred but it’s a list you’ve made, and from these once a week or so Songkick emails a short list of gigs you might be interested in, highlighting two in the message header. “Just announced” it declares “someone and someone else“. So it looks like a doubleheader gig. Well, it does. And sometimes one might really wish that it were. Who would not react positively to”Just announced: Judy Collins and Wizz Jones“? Can you imagine it? The epitome of the precise coupled with the lord of engaging and creative chaos? What a night that would be. Judy, Wizz, make it happen.