Dylan documentary to be shown on 1965 tour stops

And if you were a massive fan you could do all the dates and watch the film 7 times. If you really loved Bob you would. Uncut reports: “Dates have been announced for a UK tour celebrating the 50th anniversary of DA Penebaker‘s Bob Dylan documentary “Dont Look Back”. Penebaker’s film follows Dylan’s 1965 UK tour. This run of screenings dates follows in the footsteps of that momentous tour, taking place in cities where Dylan performed in 1965. 

Sunday April 30, 2017: Showroom Cinema, Sheffield
(Dylan performed at Sheffield City Hall)
Tickets: https://www.showroomworkstation.org.uk/dont-look-back

Monday May 1, 2017: FACT Cinema, Liverpool
(Dylan performed at Liverpool Odeon Theatre)
Tickets: https://www.fact.co.uk/whats-on/current/dont-look-back.aspx?when=choosedate&date=2017501/05/2017%2000:00:00

Tuesday May 2, 2017: Phoenix Cinema, Leicester
(Dylan performed at De Montfort Hall)
Tickets: https://www.phoenix.org.uk/film/dont-look-back/

Friday May 5, 2017: MAC Cinema, Birmingham
(Dylan performed at Birmingham Town Hall)
Tickets: https://macbirmingham.co.uk/whats-on/cinema/2017/may/05

Saturday May 6, 2017: Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle
(Dylan performed at Newcastle City Hall)
Tickets: https://www.tynesidecinema.co.uk/whats-on/films/view/don-t-look-back

Sunday May 7, 2017: HOME Cinema, Manchester
(Dylan performed at Free Trade Hall)
Tickets: https://homemcr.org/cinema/

Wednesday May 10, 2017: Regent Street Cinema, London
(Dylan performed at Royal Albert Hall)
Tickets: https://www.regentstreetcinema.com/programme/dont-look-back/

About Mark Whitfield 2101 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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