When not singing and recording his solo music, Jeff Karoub has a side band called Garrison Corner – made up of Dan Houston, George Luckey and Jeff Karoub. They met at Dearborn First United Methodist Church, where they discovered a shared love for music. Dan and George both worked together at Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn and Jeff and George forged a friendship through having children of similar age who in turn became friends. The band name is inspired by the name of the street (Garrison) on which the church sits.
Jeff Karoub explained the song to us: “I discovered during this never-ending pandemic, when I got a chance for some high-volume rumination, that ‘I’m a bit much. You’re a bit much. Everybody and everything is a bit much.’ That became the opening salvo in some cheerfully misanthropic blues I recorded with some friends in a band we call Garrison Corner.”