56 years after his debut, 79 year old Christy Moore announces a new album and dates

And a new record label!

It’s a numbers game!

There are few artists who can legitimately claim ‘living legend’ status – Christy Moore undoubtedly can but wouldn’t as modesty would forbid. His new album “A Terrible Beauty” comes out on November 1st via his new label Claddagh Records. There’s 13 tracks including the already released single ‘Black & Amber’, a song written by Briany Branigan of A Lazarus Soul which you can listen to below.

Of ‘Black & Amber’, Christy says: “We went to hear A Lazarus Soul in Whelan’s, Dublin 6 years ago. I fell beneath the spell of Briany’s lyrics straight away. I made contact saying I’d love to sing a couple of his songs. He gave me the nod – his lines are just up my street. This song brings me back to a time in life when the pub was a central part of my life. It remained that way for many years. Different pubs in different places became my “home away from home”. Thankfully the day came when I closed that door behind me, never to return, one day at a time. Briany Brannigan’s songs are raw, relevant and real.”  

The arresting artwork from the album shows an image of Irish artist Martin Gale’s painting Terrible Beauty. If you want to find out more about the artist follow this link here.

Moore is as well known for his live performances as he is for his songwriting and has lined up several shows to support the album’s release all at Vicar Street, Dublin throughout November (2nd, 7th, 13th, 20th, 28th) and December (5th, 11th, 18th, 30th) this year, and January (5th, 12th, 20th) next year. Tickets are on sale here now.

Commenting on his signing with Claddagh Records, Moore says: “I was very taken with the Universal approach to two retro albums that came about when they acquired labels that had gone to sleep. When I saw the work they did on the Paddy Kavanagh album, my curiosity peaked. I met the “man from Universal” by chance one day and complimented him on recent releases. He mentioned that he would like to work with me and that Claddagh Records was being revitalised… and here I am.”  You can preorder the album here.

‘Black & Amber’ Tracklisting:

Boy In The Wild
Black & Amber
Lemon Sevens
Cumann na Mná
The Rock
Life and Soul
Lyra McKee
Darkness Before the Dawn
The Big Marquee


About Keith Hargreaves 433 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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