Jesse Terry “Stargazer” (Jackson Beach Records 2017)

Jesse Terry  has lived a life even though he is still a young man. A teenage runaway he endured a difficult time which has certainly inspired his song writing although this album is no downbeat affair and is generally uplifting. The opener and title track Stargazer is an optimistic piece about facing your own fears and the world generally. Lushly orchestrated this has pleasing harmony and soaring chords. A US citizen, Terry is aware of the divisions in American society and sings of them but remains hopeful. His website carries a nice quote which is worth repating here: “I think I will always be innately hopeful, because I’ve seen how much life can change…and I’ve seen how much people can change, if they open up and allow themselves to do so.”

A hint of those divisions arises in Dangerous Times with the comment that “The Ice Is Too Thin To Wander Upon” although Woken The Wildflowers which we are told was written whilst Terry was on holiday in New Zealand with his kiwi wife in the wake of the 2017 Women’s March pushes for all to wake up and do the right thing and maintain the ideals of freedom and respect. Musically Terry has clearly been influenced by the late 60’s and The Beatles in particular, Kaleidoscope doing its best to mimic a track from one of that groups later period works.

It has been said many times before that a CD gets better after a number of listens but this really is the case here where it is not only the words and the messages that get clearer but the melodies and Terry’s voice and style of delivery.



A note of optimism for dark times.

About Michael Farley 59 Articles
Living in North London allows me access to many great music venues so I can get to see as many Americana and Bluegrass (yes I love Bluegrass!) acts as I can. My other passion is football and I follow the North London team with the Cockerel as it's badge. Thankfully I have a fantastic wife who shares these obsessions or else I would probably be single by now!
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