Leaving you this weekend dear readers with news that NPR have just posted the latest in their brilliant small but perfectly proportioned Tiny Desk Concerts, this time with Kaia Kater whose way with a banjo can bring grown men, and women, to a trembling halt.
The Afro-Caribbean-Canadian singer and songwriter studied Appalachian music at West Virginia’s Davis & Elkins College and often references the Black Lives Matter movement, as they say, “within a music form that doesn’t exactly snap to mind as being in dialogue with modern issues. These days, Kaia Kater records for Smithsonian Folkways, and some of the songs she brought to the Tiny Desk come from her recent recording Grenades, a record she worked on while exploring her father’s home country of Grenada.”
You can watch the concert with a full supporting band below, some blissful respite in these troubled times. Have a good weekend whatever you’re up to.