Something for the weekend: 16 Tambourines “Sweet Libra”

That’s it from us for another week dearest of readers and we leave you with new track ‘Sweet Libra’, the first studio recording from Liverpool’s 16 Tambourines in 32 years (who incidentally sound nothing like 16 Horsepower) featuring the huge talents of singer/songwriter Steve Roberts. The band, whose first album and now cult classic ‘How Green is Your Valley?’ was released on Arista/BMG in 1989. Their new album ‘All Men Are Fools’ lands on 9×9 Records just in time for Christmas on December 22nd, take note Santa. ‘Sweet Libra’ with its chiming electric guitars, driven acoustics and stacked backing vocals, is a promising taster for the album to come. Gigs will follow if you want to find out for yourself. Have a good one.

About Mark Whitfield 2091 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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Love the song – Looking forward to the new album now x