Well that’s it from us for this week – apologies for the site gremlins again, you’d think with Christmas coming up they’d have other fish to fry. We leave you anyway dear reader with a new song from AUK favourites with half a reindeer-themed name, Blitzen Trapper, ‘Millions of Billions’. The band’s Eric Earley commented on it: “This tune is about a moment of extreme clarity I had as a teenager after a fight that occurred at a park after dark in Haysville. I’d pissed myself slightly and ran through the woods and came upon what appeared to be a lake or body of water that hadn’t been there before. I blinked and it disappeared and I was standing in an empty parking lot. But I felt like I’d seen either what that place had looked like millions of years ago, or I’d seen the way that place actually was, without the realm of illusion overlayed.” It’s 2 minutes and twenty-five seconds of pop perfection, as ever. Have a good one.