Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 10

Not a social distance in sight.....

So we’re back and the kids are alright.

The beauty of teaching teenagers is their innate ability to appear completely indifferent to giving a tuppenny toss about anything other than their tiny world view. So as the media and various talking heads wrung their hands and spoke of damage beyond time itself most of my students strode into school stubbing their snouts out at the gate, hair completely wild and with a swagger that spoke of them being back on a turf that they understood and enjoyed.

Similarly the classroom itself felt timeless as within the first 5 minutes of the first lesson I was asked to repeat what I had just said… twice… only moments earlier.

Welcome back, sir‘ sniggered the front row!

So a good week despite being told I had shingles which was a bit of a downer and painful if truth be told. The condition and the diagnosis!

To fight all ailments three cracking tracks; Firstly, The Sheepdogs with their brilliant track and video ‘Nobody‘ guaranteed to put a smile on a face, up next an extraordinary live version of ‘Coolsville’ with Rickie Lee Jones at her peak and this is all topped off by Jonathan Wilson’s paean to LA and a sense that summer may be coming. As ever take what you want or need!

About Keith Hargreaves 502 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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