Sounds from beyond the Shed 137 “WT actual F”

Regular readers of this column will be familiar with my occasional naivety in matters of the world but even I was surprised at how naive I was when covering a news story for the site this week. I was alerted to the story by the band Half Dream‘s Instagram posts concerning the boycotting of events at this year’s SXSW festival. On further digging I discovered that countless bands had decided to not appear whilst others wrestled with their consciences before appearing and making statements supporting the cause espoused by the boycotters. Namely, the humanitarian disaster that is unfolding in Gaza as a result of the continued Israeli assault on the civilian population.

If you haven’t read the news stories, this is happening because one of the key “super” sponsors of this year’s SXSW is the US Army…..

Just think about that for a minute …..

W T actual F……

My naivety had led me to believe that SXSW was a festival with lots of bands getting their ‘break’ and radicals and not so radicals exchanging ideas and ideals. Oh no no no. What an idiot I am. Is there anything left untainted by the shit-stained hand of commerce and its bastard children exploitation and poverty?

So I just shake my head and play some sounds to soothe my savage breast. This week I have been enjoying The Black Crowes, the video is great and Chris Robinson looks more and more like a pro darts player from the 70s but I think he knows that and his voice is in fine fettle. I have also been liking the new Matt James. Lovely. The radio show featured a guest and some cracking tunes including Cracker, The Rolling Stones, Laila Woodward (wonderful), Buck Meek and more. As ever take want you want or need.


About Keith Hargreaves 460 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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We could all apply this reflection to ourselves – no-one can be expected to know all the ins and outs of events unfolding – but really impressed you didnt duck it and just said “Hey…..etc” Thanks